Resultado de la API de MediaWiki

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Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.

See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

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                "description": "Star Wars Merchandise Wiki compiles all Star Wars-related toys and other merchandise into one encyclopedia.",
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                "description": "Suomenkielinen aloituswiki./Finnish starter wiki.",
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                "description": "A wiki dedicated to the ''House'' television series, starring Hugh Laurie. Would include the information you'd expect to see in such a wiki.",
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                "description": "Suomenkielinen wiki psykologiasta ja kaikesta siihen liittyv\u00e4st\u00e4, aina Sigmund Freudin teorioista sosiaalipsykologiaan.",
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                "description": "A group of people against new skin by Wikia, called the Anti-Wikia Alliance",
                "category": "Computers",
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                "sitename": "Captain Planet and the Planeteers",
                "description": "Captain Planet and the Planeteers Wiki is a detailed wiki containing character profiles, quotes and episode summaries.\n\nPages of this wiki can and do contain spoilers for the episodes.",
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                "lang": "zh",
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                "lang": "nl",
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                "description": "De Harry Potter Wiki - Jouw bron voor J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter boeken, games en films, waaronder spreuken, personages, boeken, walkthroughs en meer!",
                "category": "Movies",
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                "description": "Wiki Perillinen-kirjasarjasta.",
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                "sitename": "SD Gundam G Generation Wars Wiki",
                "description": "This Wiki is for fans or for those who want to play the game, but don't know Japanese... yet. The intent of this site is to provide a resource of information on translations, stats and various other advice on playing G Gen wars. If we dont have it yet it can probably be found on the Japanese Wiki I also thank them for much of the information seen here.",
                "category": "Gaming",
                "creationtimestamp": "20101201192951",
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                "id": "489",
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                "sitename": "Logo Creation Wiki",
                "description": "Logo Creation Wiki is the wiki that helps you create logos for your wiki!",
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                "description": "A place for the information on the characters I've created",
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                "sitename": "\u570b\u969b\u6700\u840c\u5927\u8cfd\u767e\u79d1",
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                "lang": "el",
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                "sitename": "\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae Hub",
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                "category": "Gaming",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120626052052",
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                "description": "A wiki for me to make test edits with templates, skins etc. without flooding another wiki's recent changes.",
                "category": "Computers",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120626125911",
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                "id": "1102",
                "lang": "en",
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                "sitename": "The Im A Speedrunner Wiki",
                "description": "A wiki revolving around the Im a Speedrunner Tournaments on youtube.",
                "category": "Gaming",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120629142503",
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                "id": "1103",
                "lang": "fi",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "Kosto-wiki",
                "description": "Suomenkielinen wiki suositusta ABC-kanavan televisio-ohjelmasta ''Kosto'' (Revenge), jota Suomessa esitt\u00e4\u00e4 MTV3.",
                "category": "Television",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120629152438",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1106",
                "lang": "en",
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                "sitename": "Flintstones Wiki",
                "description": "A wiki about the animated franchise centering around the prehistoric family, the Flintstones.",
                "category": "Television",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120701105859",
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                "sitename": "Stargate Wiki",
                "description": "Stargate is a fictional TV show about a top secret United States air force project, travelling other planets.",
                "category": "Television",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120705201005",
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                "id": "1111",
                "lang": "en",
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                "sitename": "Test Wiki",
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                "category": "Computers",
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                "id": "1114",
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                "sitename": "Portalpedia",
                "description": "Portalpedia, a Portal Wiki which describes everything about the Portal series",
                "category": "Gaming",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120707120410",
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                "id": "1122",
                "lang": "en",
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                "sitename": "Pac-Pedia",
                "description": "Pac-Pedia is an online encyclopedia for anything related to the Pac-Man franchise.",
                "category": "Gaming",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120710062947",
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                "id": "1133",
                "lang": "en",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "Test Wiki",
                "description": "Test wiki",
                "category": "Computers",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120722201737",
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                "id": "1159",
                "lang": "de",
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                "sitename": "The Super Hero Squad Show",
                "description": "Eine Wiki \u00fcber die TV-Serie The Super Hero Squad Show.",
                "category": "Television",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120813060410",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1170",
                "lang": "en",
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                "sitename": "Bob's Burgers Wiki",
                "description": "A wiki about the animated Fox series, ''Bob's Burgers''!",
                "category": "Television",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120818100650",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1178",
                "lang": "en",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "Monaco help Wiki",
                "description": "Import of Monaco help files.",
                "category": "Computers",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120820161343",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1196",
                "lang": "fi",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "MineWiki",
                "description": "Minecraft Wiki",
                "category": "Gaming",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120902133558",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1220",
                "lang": "en",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "WillingdonHS",
                "description": "WillingdonHS Planning",
                "category": "Other",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120911021432",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1234",
                "lang": "en",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "Arnob's Wiki",
                "description": "Place to put up my econ notes",
                "category": "Other",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120913031652",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1237",
                "lang": "en",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "Popeye's Wiki",
                "description": "Data --> Information --> Knowledge.\n\nMy head is too small to keep every thing in it, to make it runs faster, I use Wiki.",
                "category": "Computers",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120913151829",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1248",
                "lang": "es",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "Premium",
                "description": "Premium es una versi\u00f3n no-oficial de Wikipedia en idioma espa\u00f1ol simple.",
                "category": "Other",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120915064335",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1256",
                "lang": "es",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "Enciclopedia electr\u00f3nica",
                "description": "La enciclopedia electr\u00f3nica en espa\u00f1ol.",
                "category": "Other",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120917094040",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1257",
                "lang": "en",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "Craig's GW2 Wiki",
                "description": "Gaming wikis are all over the place, so the information is there. This site aims to aggregate it into something that's easy to use and to navigate",
                "category": "Gaming",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120917170357",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1263",
                "lang": "en",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "Avatar Wiki",
                "description": "The Avatar Wiki is a wiki for all things Avatar:The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. It also includes information about The Last Airbender, and contains fanfiction works.",
                "category": "Television",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120918204839",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1269",
                "lang": "en",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "Ars Magica",
                "description": "A look into what MineCraft could become when you add a splash of magic.\n\nArs Maciga is a minecraft mod that adds several things to the game, including:\n\nOver 70 unique and highly scripted spells that change the way you play the game.\nA completely new and unique power system, called Essence\nA way to convert items into others based on their essence values\nA complete magic level up system\nFull SMP Support\n1.3.2 compatibility\nA new flying Pathfinding engine that supports long range pathing\nNew unique mobs\nStructure Generation\nA focus on teamwork and exploration\nQuests!\nFour full new sets of armor\nAn armor system called Infusion\nA new animated particle system that uses advanced motion controllers to take much of the heavy lifting out of making particles do cool things.  It will be released as an API later on.\nDifferent spell types:  Self, Target, Touch, Block, Cone, AoE, Channeled, and Summon\nSeveral new AI tasks and behaviours",
                "category": "Gaming",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120919135944",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1284",
                "lang": "es",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "TheBITLINK MiniWiki",
                "description": "This is a personal wiki",
                "category": "Computers",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120924021244",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1286",
                "lang": "en",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "Darren Shan Wiki",
                "description": "A wiki about all works by the horror author Darren Shan.",
                "category": "Other",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120924154204",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1298",
                "lang": "en",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "Books",
                "description": "Database of the printed word",
                "category": "Books",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120926082706",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1307",
                "lang": "en",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "Qspot",
                "description": "Information about Qspot",
                "category": "Books",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120928002633",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1312",
                "lang": "fr",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "Virevent",
                "description": "Espace de collaboration pour changer le monde",
                "category": "Creative",
                "creationtimestamp": "20120928190244",
                "*": ""
                "id": "1313",
                "lang": "en",
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                "sitename": "yiki",
                "description": "An attempt to link policy to evidence, to philosophy, to science, to history.",
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                "id": "1320",
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                "sitename": "Abbotsford Parks",
                "description": "This wiki is a collaborative effort to provide accurate information about the parks and playgrounds in Abbotsford, BC, Canada.\n\nPictures, information, and map locations are requested to help fill out this wiki and provide a great resource for all residents and visitors.\n\nIf you are a resident of Abbotsford, please feel free to help update and enhance this wiki!",
                "category": "Other",
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                "id": "1331",
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                "description": "It is a DrugStore in San Francisco de Mostazal, Chile",
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                "id": "1349",
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                "sitename": "Open Source Qabalah",
                "description": "This is a project for creating an Open Source wiki of knowledge about Qabalah: everything we know (and can say!) will complete the pages. We can correct, modify and integrate in order to find a common accepted and as close as possible to True reference on Qabalah and the Tree of Life.",
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                "lang": "en",
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                "description": "a wiki by h100000 on roblox and is my forum",
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                "id": "1351",
                "lang": "en",
                "url": "",
                "sitename": "Weekend Farming",
                "description": "Information for small holding weekend farmers. Users can create their own topics such as pasture management, fencing, wombats, water pumps, septic tanks, slashers, tractors and diesel.",
                "category": "Other",
                "creationtimestamp": "20121007122812",
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                "id": "1355",
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                "description": "A wiki created for Regulatory Affairs resourses.",
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                "id": "1363",
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                "sitename": "321st Division",
                "description": "This is a SWTOR guild wiki.",
                "category": "Fan Fiction",
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                "id": "1365",
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                "sitename": "Animation Domination Wiki",
                "description": "The \"animation-domination\" wiki, which includes info about The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show, and Bob's Burgers.",
                "category": "Television",
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                "description": "pilot project",
                "category": "Other",
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                "sitename": "Hiigaran Fleet",
                "description": "This is a Homeworld fan/creative website.",
                "category": "Fan Fiction",
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                "description": "this is purely to test the capabilities of a shoutwiki",
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                "sitename": "Prehistoric Park Fanon Wiki",
                "description": "The Prehistoric Park Fanon Wiki is a wiki dedicated to fanon and fanfiction based on the widely popular ITV docu-fiction television series. From tyrannosaurs to terror birds, let your mind run wild and feel free to create stories, series, or even other media relating to Prehistoric Park. Have fun, and don't forget to make sure that the titanosaurs stay in check...",
                "category": "Fan Fiction",
                "creationtimestamp": "20121019013036",
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                "id": "1409",
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                "sitename": "Berliner Football",
                "description": "A Wiki for information abount football in Berliner and Berliner Clubs",
                "category": "Sports",
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                "sitename": "S'pore LGBT encyclopedia",
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                "category": "History",
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